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4.8 Google Reviews
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Линия для мойки Koppert для салата Lamb's

Цена по запросу



Koppert washing line for Lamb's lettuce
Complete with dryer.

  • 2x Elevator with rinsing device
  • Drum for drying and removing the water
  • Inspection web conveyor of 300 cm with dryer on the top and on the bottom
  • Roller conveyors 

Washer for various types of leafy vegetables (Baby leaf, Rucola, Lamb's lettuce) in different ways, get rid of sand, soil residues and other dirt without leaf damage.

The product can be fed, in small crates or large containers by means of for example, a boxtipper in the water bath.

In the water bath a slight flow is created, which washes the lettuce and transports it to an export belt. From the bottom of the water bath air bubbles are blown into the water in a very fine distribution for extra movement. This creates a better washing effect.

After this most water will be removed from the leafy vegetables by the drum. After that the lettuce is  blown dry by ventilators under and above the web conveyor belt. At the end of the rinse cycle, the lettuce is easy to pack.


Технические спецификации:

Модель:Veldsla wasinstallatie


Koppert washing line for Lamb's lettuce
Complete with dryer.

  • 2x Elevator with rinsing device
  • Drum for drying and removing the water
  • Inspection web conveyor of 300 cm with dryer on the top and on the bottom
  • Roller conveyors 

Washer for various types of leafy vegetables (Baby leaf, Rucola, Lamb's lettuce) in different ways, get rid of sand, soil residues and other dirt without leaf damage.

The product can be fed, in small crates or large containers by means of for example, a boxtipper in the water bath.

In the water bath a slight flow is created, which washes the lettuce and transports it to an export belt. From the bottom of the water bath air bubbles are blown into the water in a very fine distribution for extra movement. This creates a better washing effect.

After this most water will be removed from the leafy vegetables by the drum. After that the lettuce is  blown dry by ventilators under and above the web conveyor belt. At the end of the rinse cycle, the lettuce is easy to pack.


Technical specifications:

Model:Veldsla wasinstallatie

Линия для мойки Koppert для салата Lamb's

К сожалению, Линия для мойки Koppert для салата Lamb's продана..

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Цена по запросу

Группа изделий
Veldsla wasinstallatie

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Koppert washing line for Lamb's lettuce
Complete with dryer.

  • 2x Elevator with rinsing device
  • Drum for drying and removing the water
  • Inspection web conveyor of 300 cm with dryer on the top and on the bottom
  • Roller conveyors 

Washer for various types of leafy vegetables (Baby leaf, Rucola, Lamb's lettuce) in different ways, get rid of sand, soil residues and other dirt without leaf damage.

The product can be fed, in small crates or large containers by means of for example, a boxtipper in the water bath.

In the water bath a slight flow is created, which washes the lettuce and transports it to an export belt. From the bottom of the water bath air bubbles are blown into the water in a very fine distribution for extra movement. This creates a better washing effect.

After this most water will be removed from the leafy vegetables by the drum. After that the lettuce is  blown dry by ventilators under and above the web conveyor belt. At the end of the rinse cycle, the lettuce is easy to pack.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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