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4.8 Google Reviews
Presperator Stas cu sistem de vibrare pentru mașină de sortat
Singelator Aweta cu role de diabolo
Stas Transportor cu benzi multiple
Stas water dumper
Greefa A4 mașină de gradat mere
Stas Transportor cu benzi multiple
Mașină de clasificare a cireșelor Knapen cu curele trapezoidale
Transportor cu role Stas
Aparat de sortat Aweta GM3-8 pentru ardei

Umplutură uscată pentru fructe Aweta

Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Aweta dry bin filler for fruit

  • for fruit crates
    The empty bin is placed in front of the machine. The filling disc is located above the bin and spins low. When it reaches the position of the filling principle, the lifting operation is initiated by carefully distributing the product into successive layers.

The machine comes from the first owner and is very little used, therefore the machine is in an absolute excellent condition.


Specificații tehnice:

Model:Dry bin filler


Aweta dry bin filler for fruit

  • for fruit crates
    The empty bin is placed in front of the machine. The filling disc is located above the bin and spins low. When it reaches the position of the filling principle, the lifting operation is initiated by carefully distributing the product into successive layers.

The machine comes from the first owner and is very little used, therefore the machine is in an absolute excellent condition.


Technical specifications:

Model:Dry bin filler

Umplutură uscată pentru fructe Aweta

Din pacate, acest Umplutură uscată pentru fructe Aweta a fost acum vandut.

Doriți să fiți informat când devine disponibil un Maşini de sortat mere şi alte fructe comparabil? Completați detaliile dvs. aici.


Dry bin filler

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


Aweta dry bin filler for fruit

  • for fruit crates
    The empty bin is placed in front of the machine. The filling disc is located above the bin and spins low. When it reaches the position of the filling principle, the lifting operation is initiated by carefully distributing the product into successive layers.

The machine comes from the first owner and is very little used, therefore the machine is in an absolute excellent condition.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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