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Visser Twinfill tray filler

Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Visser twinfill tray filling machine

  • Adjustable speed

The Twin filler is a machine for filling trays, flats and larger pots. The Twin Filler provides high capacity filling by means of a double rotor for an excellent high capacity filling result.

The speed of the rotors and belt is adjustable by a frequency controller. After filling the trays are brushed, for a clean and uniform result. The waste material will be reused via the soilelevator, through which the Twin filler produces a minimum of excess soil.


Specificații tehnice:

Model:Visser twinfill


Visser twinfill tray filling machine

  • Adjustable speed

The Twin filler is a machine for filling trays, flats and larger pots. The Twin Filler provides high capacity filling by means of a double rotor for an excellent high capacity filling result.

The speed of the rotors and belt is adjustable by a frequency controller. After filling the trays are brushed, for a clean and uniform result. The waste material will be reused via the soilelevator, through which the Twin filler produces a minimum of excess soil.


Technical specifications:

Model:Visser twinfill

380 Volt, 3 phase Power

Visser Twinfill tray filler

Din pacate, acest Visser Twinfill tray filler a fost acum vandut.

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Grupă produse
Visser twinfill

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


Visser twinfill tray filling machine

  • Adjustable speed

The Twin filler is a machine for filling trays, flats and larger pots. The Twin Filler provides high capacity filling by means of a double rotor for an excellent high capacity filling result.

The speed of the rotors and belt is adjustable by a frequency controller. After filling the trays are brushed, for a clean and uniform result. The waste material will be reused via the soilelevator, through which the Twin filler produces a minimum of excess soil.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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