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4.8 Google Reviews

Mașină de plantat Ferrari F-MAX cu 4 rânduri

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Ferrari F-MAX planting machine with 4 rows Feeder and Seats
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Ferrari F-MAX planting machine with 4 rows Feeder and Seats
Ferrari F-MAX planting machine with cover
Ferrari F-MAX planting machine front
Ferrari F-MAX planting machine inside
Ferrari F-MAX intermittent rotary carousel
Ferrari F-MAX planting machine with 4 rows fixed row distance 75cm
Ferrari F-MAX planting machine with 4 rows for wide variety of vegetables
Ferrari planting machine with 4 rows
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Ocazie excelentă
  • Pret extra competitiv


Ferrari F-MAX planting machine

  • 4 rows
  • Fixed row distance 75cm
    • Can be adjusted if the steel connection block is ground loose and welded to another place on the frame
  • With Lännen cover

The F MAX machine is suitable for transplanting a wide variety of vegetables

The machine can be fed with many different types of modules: pyramidal, cylindrical, conic and small square blocks: it can plant seedlings with an height up to 20-25 cm.

It is equipped with an intermittent rotary carousel. This important feature guarantees the timing of planting.

This transplanter allows to reach a performance of 3,500 plants/hour/row, anyhow it is possible to reach even 5,000 plants/hour/row if the planting is carried out by experienced operators.


Specificații tehnice:

Număr de rânduri:4
Dimensiuni transport:330 cm x 320 cm x 310 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)


Ferrari F-MAX planting machine

  • 4 rows
  • Fixed row distance 75cm
    • Can be adjusted if the steel connection block is ground loose and welded to another place on the frame
  • With Lännen cover

The F MAX machine is suitable for transplanting a wide variety of vegetables

The machine can be fed with many different types of modules: pyramidal, cylindrical, conic and small square blocks: it can plant seedlings with an height up to 20-25 cm.

It is equipped with an intermittent rotary carousel. This important feature guarantees the timing of planting.

This transplanter allows to reach a performance of 3,500 plants/hour/row, anyhow it is possible to reach even 5,000 plants/hour/row if the planting is carried out by experienced operators.


Technical specifications:

Number of rows:4
Transport dimensions:330 cm x 320 cm x 310 cm (length x width x height)

Mașină de plantat Ferrari F-MAX cu 4 rânduri

Preț la cerere

1 unitati
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Ferrari F-MAX planting machine

  • 4 rows
  • Fixed row distance 75cm
    • Can be adjusted if the steel connection block is ground loose and welded to another place on the frame
  • With Lännen cover

The F MAX machine is suitable for transplanting a wide variety of vegetables

The machine can be fed with many different types of modules: pyramidal, cylindrical, conic and small square blocks: it can plant seedlings with an height up to 20-25 cm.

It is equipped with an intermittent rotary carousel. This important feature guarantees the timing of planting.

This transplanter allows to reach a performance of 3,500 plants/hour/row, anyhow it is possible to reach even 5,000 plants/hour/row if the planting is carried out by experienced operators.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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