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4.8 Google Reviews
Mașină de blocare a solului Visser / Dewa
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Mașină de blocare a solului Unger cu semănătoare
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Mașină de blocare a solului Unger Profi 4 cu semănătoare

High capacity
Se vinde sub rezervare
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Capacitate mare datorita latimei de 60 cm
  • High capacity


Unger Profi 4 soil blocking machine 60 cm with two seeders and soil mixer

  • Working 60 cm wide 
  • Soil screw pump with water connection
  • Dies for  soil blocks
    • 3,5 and 4 cm 
  • Double Unger seeder with 5 sets seeding discs/plates for different seeds,
    • 2 x seeding disc ( Fennel)
    • 2 x seeding disc ( Lettuce)
    • 2 x seeding disc (Cabbage)
    • 2 x seeding disc
    • 2 x seeding disc
  • Covering unit

The loose and moistened peat soil from the soil container is pre-compressed and then shaped into compacted peat pots with the pressing tool and the seed bolt rail. The compacted soil pots are sown with seeds via the disc seeder.

The sowing device works for pills, natural seeds or fine seeds, depending on the grain size of the seeds, different sowing discs are used.

The motor and drive are inside the machine. This ensures easy cleaning and good access to the pressing tools. By using stainless steel on the knives, pressure plate, bolts, pre-pressure roller, soil intake, hold-down device and locking bar on the seeder, the soil potting machine offers good corrosion protection. Flawless planting holes are created with additional picking pins.


Specificații tehnice:

Model:Profi IV
CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Motor:380 volt
Dimensiuni transport:500 cm x 210 cm x 200 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Capacitate mare datorita latimei de 60 cm


Unger Profi 4 soil blocking machine 60 cm with two seeders and soil mixer

  • Working 60 cm wide 
  • Soil screw pump with water connection
  • Dies for  soil blocks
    • 3,5 and 4 cm 
  • Double Unger seeder with 5 sets seeding discs/plates for different seeds,
    • 2 x seeding disc ( Fennel)
    • 2 x seeding disc ( Lettuce)
    • 2 x seeding disc (Cabbage)
    • 2 x seeding disc
    • 2 x seeding disc
  • Covering unit

The loose and moistened peat soil from the soil container is pre-compressed and then shaped into compacted peat pots with the pressing tool and the seed bolt rail. The compacted soil pots are sown with seeds via the disc seeder.

The sowing device works for pills, natural seeds or fine seeds, depending on the grain size of the seeds, different sowing discs are used.

The motor and drive are inside the machine. This ensures easy cleaning and good access to the pressing tools. By using stainless steel on the knives, pressure plate, bolts, pre-pressure roller, soil intake, hold-down device and locking bar on the seeder, the soil potting machine offers good corrosion protection. Flawless planting holes are created with additional picking pins.


Technical specifications:

Model:Profi IV
CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Motor:380 volt
Transport dimensions:500 cm x 210 cm x 200 cm (length x width x height)

Mașină de blocare a solului Unger Profi 4 cu semănătoare

Din pacate, acest Mașină de blocare a solului Unger Profi 4 cu semănătoare a fost acum vandut.

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Unger Profi 4 soil blocking machine 60 cm with two seeders and soil mixer

  • Working 60 cm wide 
  • Soil screw pump with water connection
  • Dies for  soil blocks
    • 3,5 and 4 cm 
  • Double Unger seeder with 5 sets seeding discs/plates for different seeds,
    • 2 x seeding disc ( Fennel)
    • 2 x seeding disc ( Lettuce)
    • 2 x seeding disc (Cabbage)
    • 2 x seeding disc
    • 2 x seeding disc
  • Covering unit

The loose and moistened peat soil from the soil container is pre-compressed and then shaped into compacted peat pots with the pressing tool and the seed bolt rail. The compacted soil pots are sown with seeds via the disc seeder.

The sowing device works for pills, natural seeds or fine seeds, depending on the grain size of the seeds, different sowing discs are used.

The motor and drive are inside the machine. This ensures easy cleaning and good access to the pressing tools. By using stainless steel on the knives, pressure plate, bolts, pre-pressure roller, soil intake, hold-down device and locking bar on the seeder, the soil potting machine offers good corrosion protection. Flawless planting holes are created with additional picking pins.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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