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4.8 Google Reviews

Cremer TZWKP7-M834H mașină de numărat pentru becuri

€ 4.250,- (excl. TVA)

Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Ocazie excelentă
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Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

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  • Ocazie excelentă
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Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs

The TMV780 counter has been specially developed for counting all kinds of flower bulbs in large numbers. The counting machine is equipped with a counting system, which counts bulbs with and without roots fast and clean.  Of course, crops such as: tulips, hyacinths, lilies, gladioli, etc. can also be processed at high speed.

  • With elevator 155 x 60 cm
  • 7 lines / spoons 
  • With output conveyor

Cremer D26IO elevator with receiving hopper and inspection conveyor

  • Receiving hopper with shaking mechanism
    • 117 x 97 cm input
    • 96 cm instorthoogte
    • Equipped with shaking screen, for sieving sand out
  • Elevator 125 x 60 cm
    • Carriers 47 mm high
  • Inspection conveyor 120 x 60 cm
    • Speed adjustable

Specificații tehnice:

Model:TZWKP7-M834H / D26IO
CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Dimensiuni transport:310 cm x 240 cm x 140 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)


Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs

The TMV780 counter has been specially developed for counting all kinds of flower bulbs in large numbers. The counting machine is equipped with a counting system, which counts bulbs with and without roots fast and clean.  Of course, crops such as: tulips, hyacinths, lilies, gladioli, etc. can also be processed at high speed.

  • With elevator 155 x 60 cm
  • 7 lines / spoons 
  • With output conveyor

Cremer D26IO elevator with receiving hopper and inspection conveyor

  • Receiving hopper with shaking mechanism
    • 117 x 97 cm input
    • 96 cm instorthoogte
    • Equipped with shaking screen, for sieving sand out
  • Elevator 125 x 60 cm
    • Carriers 47 mm high
  • Inspection conveyor 120 x 60 cm
    • Speed adjustable

Technical specifications:

Model:TZWKP7-M834H / D26IO
CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Transport dimensions:310 cm x 240 cm x 140 cm (length x width x height)

Cremer TZWKP7-M834H mașină de numărat pentru becuri

€ 4.250,- (excl. TVA)

Grupă produse
Tip transportor
TZWKP7-M834H / D26IO
Adăugare la ofertă de prețComandați această mașină
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Cremer TZWKP7-M834H counting machine for bulbs

The TMV780 counter has been specially developed for counting all kinds of flower bulbs in large numbers. The counting machine is equipped with a counting system, which counts bulbs with and without roots fast and clean.  Of course, crops such as: tulips, hyacinths, lilies, gladioli, etc. can also be processed at high speed.

  • With elevator 155 x 60 cm
  • 7 lines / spoons 
  • With output conveyor

Cremer D26IO elevator with receiving hopper and inspection conveyor

  • Receiving hopper with shaking mechanism
    • 117 x 97 cm input
    • 96 cm instorthoogte
    • Equipped with shaking screen, for sieving sand out
  • Elevator 125 x 60 cm
    • Carriers 47 mm high
  • Inspection conveyor 120 x 60 cm
    • Speed adjustable


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
Mașină de numărat Hachmang cu lift pentru becuri
Dispozitiv de numărare cu senzor
Cremer 8VM836H masina de numarat becuri
Cremer TMV780 masina de numarat becuri
Ascensoare pentru cutii de castraveți
Transportor Antha 400 cm x 120 cm
Masina de decojit Compas / Bercomex pentru bulbi de flori
Transportor de inspecție Compas 410 cm x 80 cm
Mașină dublă de sortat cartofi Langco 8 + 1 sortare
Presperator Stas cu sistem de vibrare pentru mașină de sortat
Transportor Potveer 180 x 60 cm
Transportor de inspecție Langco cu lift
Lift Affeldt Tripple