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4.8 Google Reviews
Trapiantatrice a seminatrice Van den beucken per blocchi di terreno
Van den Beucken impianto macchina trapiantatrice per soilblocks
Nuova piantatrice di porri di Basrijs
Basrijs trainati trapiantatrice macchina impianto per soilblocks
Perdu macchina piantare 2 righe
Trapiantatrice trainata Van den Beucken per blocchi di terreno
Seminatrice Perdu 4 file
Piantatrice Lännen 5 file
Trapiantatrice Lännen 4 file + quinto elemento

Trapiantatrice Lauwers 2 file



Lauwers planting machine

  • 2-rows for trayplants / speedy’s and soilblocks max 6 x 6 cm
  • Planting distance between the rows adjustable from 55 up to 105 cm, currently 70 cm.

The transplanter is designed to offer the operator a comfortable workspace.

The unique planting system of the moving planting tubes and the small plough is designed to hold the plants straight up untill they are pressed in the ground with soil.

Planting machine will be sold with new planting coulters.


Specifiche tecniche:



Lauwers planting machine

  • 2-rows for trayplants / speedy’s and soilblocks max 6 x 6 cm
  • Planting distance between the rows adjustable from 55 up to 105 cm, currently 70 cm.

The transplanter is designed to offer the operator a comfortable workspace.

The unique planting system of the moving planting tubes and the small plough is designed to hold the plants straight up untill they are pressed in the ground with soil.

Planting machine will be sold with new planting coulters.


Technical specifications:


Trapiantatrice Lauwers 2 file

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Lauwers planting machine

  • 2-rows for trayplants / speedy’s and soilblocks max 6 x 6 cm
  • Planting distance between the rows adjustable from 55 up to 105 cm, currently 70 cm.

The transplanter is designed to offer the operator a comfortable workspace.

The unique planting system of the moving planting tubes and the small plough is designed to hold the plants straight up untill they are pressed in the ground with soil.

Planting machine will be sold with new planting coulters.

Perché optare per l’usato?

  • Subito disponibile
  • Minori costi d’acquisto
  • Minore svalutazione
  • Stesse funzionalità
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