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4.8 Google Reviews
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Selezionatrice a peso Greefa QSort -6 per cetrioli

Greefa Q-sort clasificadora de pepinos
Greefa Q-sort clasificadora de pepinos


Selezionatrice a peso Greefa QSort -6 per cetrioli

Greefa Q-Sort 6 weight sorting machine for cucumbers

  •   Weight grading machine
  • min. 20gr -  max. 800gr
  • Lenght main machine 1120 cm
  • 6 exits with turn tables
  • Infeed conveyor 160 cm
  • Product length minimum +/- 6cm

This grading machine can also be used for other crops, such as mini - midi cucumber, eggplant and zucchini.

This sorting machine comes from the first and only owner and is only used for 6 seasons total. In these 6 seasons the machine sorted a total of 50 hA Zucchini. This makes that the machine is still in an absolute top condition!


Specifiche tecniche:

Motore:380 - 400 Volt, 3 phase + 0 + earth
Capacità:15000 pieces / hour


Greefa Q-Sort 6 weight sorting machine for cucumbers

  •   Weight grading machine
  • min. 20gr -  max. 800gr
  • Lenght main machine 1120 cm
  • 6 exits with turn tables
  • Infeed conveyor 160 cm
  • Product length minimum +/- 6cm

This grading machine can also be used for other crops, such as mini - midi cucumber, eggplant and zucchini.

This sorting machine comes from the first and only owner and is only used for 6 seasons total. In these 6 seasons the machine sorted a total of 50 hA Zucchini. This makes that the machine is still in an absolute top condition!


Technical specifications:

Motor:380 - 400 Volt, 3 phase + 0 + earth
Capacity:15000 pieces / hour

Selezionatrice a peso Greefa QSort -6 per cetrioli

Purtroppo questo raggruppamento di tavoli di Vandenberg è stato venduto.

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Greefa Q-Sort 6 weight sorting machine for cucumbers

  •   Weight grading machine
  • min. 20gr -  max. 800gr
  • Lenght main machine 1120 cm
  • 6 exits with turn tables
  • Infeed conveyor 160 cm
  • Product length minimum +/- 6cm

This grading machine can also be used for other crops, such as mini - midi cucumber, eggplant and zucchini.

This sorting machine comes from the first and only owner and is only used for 6 seasons total. In these 6 seasons the machine sorted a total of 50 hA Zucchini. This makes that the machine is still in an absolute top condition!

Perché optare per l’usato?

  • Subito disponibile
  • Minori costi d’acquisto
  • Minore svalutazione
  • Stesse funzionalità
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